Motorcycle Repair: Oil Pumping out, crankcase breather, screw caps

I just had a lifter go bad so I replaced the lifters, cam and push rods in my 1999 88" evo motor. I went up a cam size from a 520 to a 561. Now when I start the bike oil pumps out of the case breather. Can you help?

Sounds like you may have timed the crankcase breather incorrectly. Or you may just have a leaky check valve in the oil pump.  If oil leaks past the check ball when the bike is sitting, everytime you start it there's too much oil in the crankcase for the return pump to handle so the excess goes out the breather.  Take the big slotted screw caps off the top of the oil pump one at a time and clean the seats underneath the plunger in the outside one and the ball bearing in the inner one.  Do that first before taking your cam cover apart.  Also since you had a lifter go bad, did you clean your tappet screen under the big slotted screw in the crankcase just in front of the oil pump?