Motorcycle Repair: Evo starting problem, speed tranny, cable connections

I have a new custom build that has a stock evo motor with a ev27 cam. It has an open belt primary and a 6 speed tranny. I am using a stock used starter to try and start it. I tried to start it last night for the first time and it will spin over fine without the plugs. As soon as the plugs go in it will only turn maybe 2 inches worth of belt primary and stop. The starter wires and battery wires got red hot and melted the insulation afer trying for 15 seconds.  

Sounds like a bad starter that's drawing so much that it's overheating the wires.  Or it could be as simple as a bad battery ground wire or ground connection.  Remember, your starter housing has to have a good ground to the inner primary also, especially if your battery ground wire is not attached to one of the starter mounting bolts.  If any mounting surfaces are black texture or wrinkle coated, make sure they are scraped to bare metal at mounting surfaces and cable connections.