Motorcycle Repair: Front Brake Calipers, caliper pistons, brake calipers

Hello, I recently bought a 2006 Lifan 250cc Cruiser. When I put it together I noticed that my front brakes had no pressure on them when I squeezed the handle. I tried squeezing the handle and moving forward and sure enough the brakes weren't stopping the bike from moving. I tried bleeding them as well as tightening the adjuster on the handle mentioned in the owners manual but still nothing. Are my calipers just shot? Thank you for any help you can provide.

Matt, I have no idea what your bike is cause I'm  a Harley mechanic but I'll try to help.  Your brakes probably just need bleeding.  Start with a full master cylinder with the top off and level.  Try pressing all the caliper pistons back into the caliper and see if you get air bubbles at the master cyl.  If you do, squeeze the lever to get the pistons back out and do it again.  With a full mast. cyl., turn the handlebars all the way to the left so air bubbles will rise into the mast. cyl.  Now crack the brake line loose AT the mast cyl. and bleed it there first.  When no more air bubbles come out bleed it again down at the caliper.  That usually does it.  Good luck.