Motorcycle Repair: 1985 yamaha maxim 700, internal threads, charging system

I bought this bike last spring and everything on it is working fine, but when I went to winterize it, the nut was stripped to be able to change the oil filter.  Do you have any idea how much it would cost to get it fixed.  Also, it idles fine, but when I hole down the hand brake it is as if the idle speed is lowered, do you know why that would be?

Hi Nick,

Q:  "...I bought this bike last spring and everything on it is working fine, but when I went to winterize it, the nut was stripped to be able to change the oil filter.  Do you have any idea how much it would cost to get it fixed."

A:  If the nut's external flanges are damaged, there are several tools that can be used. If the nut's internal threads are damaged, I recommend having a machinist or class A mechanic make repairs.

Rates vary- expect to pay 1-2 hours of the shop's hourly rate plus parts.

Q:  "...Also, it idles fine, but when I hole down the hand brake it is as if the idle speed is lowered, do you know why that would be?

A:  Voltage drop- defective charging system component affecting ignition system. I'd have to put a meter on a couple of circuits to diagnose this problem.

Mark Shively