Motorcycle Repair: Exhaust leak, service warranty, carbon buildup
Question2005 Sportster 1200C; Purchased a month ago with 2400 miles. When cleaning, I noticed a small carbon buildup around the exhaust port on the front head. I tried to tighten the bolts on the exhaust cup-link but they were tight. How important is a small leak at the exhaust port? If the head burns, will this make it impossible to seal the exhaust pipe at the head? What are the methods to seal the exhaust when they are trouble? My service warranty wants 50 dollars deductible, is it worth this price or should I attempt to reseal the exhaust myself?
AnswerHi Mark, I would replace the exhaust port gasket, this will keep the bike running in good condition. The seals are easy to replace, just lubricate the nuts and studs before trying to loosen. Take the $ 50.00 and purchase a service manual for future, it will be money well spent, to save you in the future.