Motorcycle Repair: fluid changes, oil drain plug, hd sportster

i would like to change oil and transmission fluid inmy 1990 hd sportster, 883.  i do not have a mnual. could you please tell me how much of each i should put in.  also, where is the drain plug for the oil?

Oil drain plug is a hose that runs from the back of the oil tank down under the frame just behind the transmission.  It either has a plug in it or is hoseclamped to to a plug that's welded to the frame.  Take off the hose clamp and open the hose.  Change your filter too.   Always run the bike til it's warm first, to get all the oil out of the cam cover and crankcase and back into the oil tank.  Refill with three quarts motor oil, Harley 20/50.  Tranny takes 1.5 pints of Harley "Sport Trans" oil filled through the primary chain inspection cover.  Make sure your oil pressure light goes out when you restart the bike after the oil change.  If it doesn't, your oil pump has lost its prime and you must loosen the lower fitting on the front of the pump (under the cam cover on the right side of the motor) and let a few ounces seep out while the motor is running.  Sometimes it helps if you put 3 or 4 ounces of motor oil into the new filter before you install it.