Motorcycle Repair: honda fourtrax 125 transmission trouble, reverse gears, 4 wheeler
QuestionI have a 1986 Honda Fourtrax 125 4 wheeler I replaced a gear in the sub transmission. I assembled the transmission using the manual diagrams. added about a qt of oil and i could go through all four forward and the one reverse gears when the bike was off. i started it went in reverse that went ok but my problem is i can not get out of reverse. can you help could not enough oil be the problem
AnswerHi Bill,
Oil lubricates, prevent wear, and cools parts, but would not prevent the transmission from changing gears as described in your narrative.
There's no description of what happens when attempting to shift out of reverse. Will it shift when engine is turned off again? Need all the details. It's hard to diagnose the problem otherwise.
I suspect a linkage was not installed properly, respectfully.
Mark Shively