Motorcycle Repair: timing for 1982 honda xl185s, head cavity, punch mark
Questionwhere is the timing marks suppose to line up if u have a picture please send it to me thank u very much
AnswerJames...... Ignition timing???? Cam timing??? Gotta be more specific in your questions.
Flywheel markings have T (top dead center) and F (firing mark).
For cam timing set crankshaft position to T mark on flywheel. Rotate camshaft in head so the lobes are turned DOWNWARDS like an inverted V. Place camsprocket in the camchain and then install so that the 0 punch mark is straight up towards the top of the cylinder head. There may a mark punched on the cylinder head cavity to help with alignment.
You can go to: and find some illustrations of your bike's parts, but the camshaft sprocket/timing chain image doesn't show the punchmark, unfortunately. Just do as I have indicated above and the cam timing will be fine. Once the cam timing is set, you can also adjust the valve clearances at this position.
Bill Silver