Motorcycle Repair: rj 750 yamaha 1981 rear wheel disassembly, rear wheel assembly, bikebandit com

i have a 1981 rj 750 with a leaking rear wheel drive vent
stack.  do i have a serious problem or can i rectify it with
with home tools.  i have some mechanical abilities but have never been into the rear wheel assembly.

Hi Joe,

The best advice I can offer is to get a copy of the service manual (Yamaha's) and do the work.

Most final drive vents simply pull out for easy replacement. Change final drive oil while there.

Yamaha's website microfiche:
2H7-17590-00-00 BREATHER COMP

Bikebandit's website microfiche:
BREATHER 22701-001  $8.54  

Mark Shively