Motorcycle Repair: 1996 Harley sportster 1200, harley sportster 1200, reputable dealer

I have an opportunity to purchase this bike for about $4500.
The dealer said there were only 1500 miles on the bike. The bike looks to be in fairly good condition. The engine looks a little weathered and is missing plugs. I really need this bike to carry me to and from work, 30 miles each way, maybe 2 or three times a week seven months out of the year. Do you think that I should make this purchase, and if so, how should I go about it.
                            Many blessing for your advice
                                 and thank you

Hi Webster,for the mileage sounds good,though there are other questions to be answered. How does the motor sound and run, what are the tires like(check for weather cracks and tread depth), are the rotors and brake pads in good shape, when was the bike last ridden ? the gaskets could be dried out and once ridden start to leak, how was the bike stored, and how long have the spark plugs been missing for, is the charging system okay? Buying a used bike can be difficult, so make sure you are purchasing it from a reputable dealer, and good riding!