Motorcycle Repair: 1991 honda elite 80 no spark, honda elite 80, exciter coil

Hello, I was given a 1991 honda elite 80 that is in very good shape. My friend said it just wouldn't start one day. I rebuilt the card, verified fuel is getting to the carb, fresh fuel etc. I have no spark at the spark plugs, and I have followed the test procedure in the manual from the coil all the way to the ignition switch and kill switch. The only thing I found out of spec is the Exciter coil is 730 Ohms and it shoudl be 800-1200... What do I do next?? HELP.

Hi Elie.

You just answered your own question. :)

The exciter coil is out of spec.  If a component is out of spec, then it needs replacement.  It is these specs that tell us when a component is broken or worn out.

Always remember that none of this is brain surgery.  Every part in ANY machine works only a certain way and every one operates for a logical reason and in a logical way.  It only looks complicated til you begin to understand how it works and what the parts do.

Replace the exciter coil.

Good luck and ride safe.