Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki ZZR600 not starting, time owner, kawasaki zzr600

Bike - Kawasaki ZZR600 '93. I am a first time owner of a motorbike (about 6 months) and am not to technical. At the moment I can not get the bike to start, however when I gave it a jump start it was ok for a day then over night I think the aliens got to it. As I tried to start it in the morning but nothing the bike would just turn over (not sure if this is the right term) but no start. Then I pulled the choke out fully (which I have never used before or had to) then it started but as soon as I try to put it back in, reducing the rev's down from 8-9000 (leaving it for about 5-10mins) it would just stall??? Any idea??? I took it to a garage but at the time it was working so they said it was fine probably just flooded.

Hi Peter,

I'm not sure that any problems exist. It's possible you're not used to starting the engine, or that you may not know proper starting procedures, respectfully.

From the information provided, I suspect the spark plugs are fouled. Verify by removing the spark plugs, inspecting them, and then clean or replace them accordingly.

I encourage you to get a copy of the service manual (repair manual) and learn about performing maintenance and repairs.

I recommend that you have a local shop perform the work for you until you become knowledgeable and experienced with basic maintenance and repairs.

Mark Shively