Motorcycle Repair: 1998 ULTRA (PERFORMANCE), street bikes, speed tranny
Questionhi, i have a 1998 ultra with a 96 cubic inch s&s motor, i just bought it about five months ago and the engine seems to be pretty stock. not knowing to much about how to work on street bikes can you tell me what i can do or have done to this bike to get better performance out of it.i want it to be more responsive and to take off like a shot. it also has a five speed tranny.
AnswerThe 96 S&S is a pretty fast motor right out of the box. You should be pulling around 100 horses.
the problem you are having is that you have a very heavy bike you are trying to move, so you are not going to get the takeoff like a shot you are looking for, unless you go with a bigger motor. If your looking for more horses I would go with a 113 or 124 motor
Good luck and happy riding