Motorcycle Repair: pls help!!!, honda 50, honda motorcycle

i hav a honda 50 cc.wat are the steps in removing the round cover of the timing chain?

thanks a lot.

Ryan.... pretty short on info here..... Honda 50 what model????  They made millions of them, pushrod and OHC.

I will take a shot that you are asking about the camsprocket cover on the head of the OHC 50cc series engines.

The cover is held on by a LONG bolt on the other side of the head! Remove the central bolt  10mm head, I think and the cover will pop off the other side. Leave the last couple of threads on, then, push gently. There is a gasket for it that may hold it on a little.
Illustrations are available at the above site. Sign up, log in and select HONDA motorcycle and any of the Z50 options. Then CYLINDER HEAD COVER..... that should give you a clear picture of the parts you are removing.

Bill Silver