Motorcycle Repair: 1974 Honda CB450 some problems, honda cb450, oil level

Hello Collin,  I have just bought a 1974 Honda CB450 and it ran great for a short while then started backfiring on the right side.  The plug turns black after short use.  I tried cleaning them out but it still kept happening.  It seem to do this as soon as I give it some gas from idle then is fine.  The front disk brake pads seem to be stuck as well.  I can push the bike around but it will not release.  I bought a clymer manual, but it did not give enough troubleshooting.  If you can help it would be much appreciated.

Sounds like your plugs are getting oil fouled.  What is most likely happening is that u r getting engine oil "blow-by".  Your oil level should only fill up half of the viewig glass.  In other words try draining bout a half quart out of the bike.  Have u changed the oil lately?  If so, let me know.  If it's not an oil foul then your carbs need a good cleaning and possibly a rebuild.