Motorcycle Repair: hesitation and backfire, harley dealer, sensers
QuestionI have a '01 FLHR. Just resently (within 3 months) I've had trouble with the engine hesitating from a standstill. At first this would happen once in a while and when the bike was cold. The hesitation would stop after it warmed up. Also my fuel pump seemed to be running all the time. I could hear it whining. I took it to the local Harley dealer and they seemed to have fixed it. Five days ago I went to go for a ride and the hesitiation was back along with some backfiring (this was new). It seemed to just not want to go when I gave it gas. I drove it about half a mile and turned it off not wanting to hurt anything. HELP!
AnswerYour hesitation can be caused from any number of sensers. You need to take it back and have another dianostic run on the bike to see what the problem is. they should do it for free since they didnt fix it the first time
Good luck and happy riding