1977 CB250. Electric start. Bought it, started fine. Now, three days later, all i
get when i press the button is a clicking sound, seeming to eminate from a
small round cylinder between the battery and the engine. Any help greatly
appreciated. I'm told hitting it with a rubber hammer would help, and i'm
guessing something along the lines of starter motor - 'fly wheel', not aligned.
Thanks for yourr time.
Answerstuart ,
first go to starter sylenoid with key on bike in neutral take a screw driver touch both post togethr on stlenoid if it tuens over schange solenoid, if it doesnt go to starter with battery cables hooke to a good battery, connect hot to wire on starte then connect ground to bike if it turns over , i would take off starte and clean it out .ok .
if you need more help im here ok,
mitch kruszynsky