Motorcycle Repair: 1996 gsxr 750 hard starts, exhust, drain hose
Questionwent to try it out the next morning know it wont start at all and backfires through exhust after cranking for a while
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HI i just brought this bike a month ago after sitting over night the bike wont start on its own i have to choke it.after its starts it has to run with the choke if i take the choke of it will stall. it take up to ten minutes sometimes before it will idle with out choke. thanks in advance for any info
jeffery ;
adjust your float height sound like to much gas going in to cylinder flooding it out,next time you park it turn gas off then the next time you go to ride turn bk on to see hoe fst it starts and how long it runs o,k if you need more help i got you covered ok,and if this doesnt wrk re-jet the carbs ok
mitch kruszynsky
Answeri had same problems with a bike in my shop go to the drain hose on the carbs blow into them while the bike is running if the bike idles up ,take a smll wire run it through both drain hoses so it can breath youll be fine.
mitch kruszynsky