Motorcycle Repair: Difficulty with hills, honda shadow aero, float bowls
I have a 2004 Honda Shadow Aero VT750C and I bought it used from the first owner. It had about 4000 miles on it when I bought it in April and it's now at 9000 miles.
I live in a hilly part of San Francisco with steep grades. About a month ago, my bike decided that it was going to slow down to about 10mph on a hill that I had been taking everyday. Since then, I can't get any good acceleration from it from 0 to 15 mph, then its fine but not great.
Any clues?
AnswerHi Hyde,
I suspect the pilot jets are obstructed. The fuel tank and float bowls may have rust particles or varnish (gummy fuel) deposits and obstructing the pilot circuits.
Check for air intake restrictions, too. Though I doubt this is the cause as engine performance improves.
Another consideration is fuel level in float bowls. The acute grade or elevation may cause fuel levels to change.
Fuel level may be affected enough to cause lack of fuel pick up by emulsion towers & jets. This may cause a severe lean or rich condition depending wether you are ascending or descending the grade.
Mark Shively