Motorcycle Repair: ss shorty E, ultra ground pounder, harley evo

I pulled both plugs ,both were the same ,they were light tan
-the bike has a harley evo engine, (just brought it about a year ago)-started dripping after a few months of driving-it, already had hose running from the carb- down the bottom of bike. I change the filter and also put filter at end of hose---Have'nt did anything to bike except change oil and filter  and plugs----thanks Johnny-------------------------------
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2001 ultra ground pounder, it has a 99  evolution harley engine, ss e  carb was already on it, engine has around 1100 miles on it. it started to drip about 8 months ago but was running alright untill around 6 months ago thats when it started to bogg down on me but dos'nt do it untill bike been running for awile. I start to open the throttle it will start missing it will stop after while then start up again while I'am driving, or if I"ve been sitting idle for awhile, after I turn it off and it sits and I started back up Its  fine for awhile,I notice the drip every time I ride it, thanks Johnny
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I notice that i have gas dripping on to my point cover from the carb, and also if I sit idle for awhile when I take of the bike will bogg down , but after it sits it will run fine also the drip is mixture of gas and oil,It  is there some type of adjustment I can do thanks Johnny
What model adn year is your bike? Has it always done this since you had it? Any modifactions, other than the carb, have you done?
I am not sure how the Ultra is vented, but its probably vented to the air filter. Look at the back plate of the air filter and you will probably see a hose coming from the bottom end of the motor. that is the vent. What happens is a little oil goes with the air. You can remove the hose and vent to the bottom of the bike. That will stop the drip.
On the bogging, pull a spark plug and let me know what color it is

The hose I was talking about doesnt come out of the carb, but out of the backplate for the air filter which attaches to the carb.
Your heads are vented via a rubber flapper inside the rocker box covers. They might be bad and letting oil come through. Also you might be getting spit back from the exhaust. What this is is not enough back pressure on the exhaust system and some air is pushed back through the intake valve which pushes gas back through the carb. If you have oil from the heads going in there the oil and gas are being pushed back out.
Try opening the pumper on the carb a little to stop the bogging. If that doest work let me know