Motorcycle Repair: 450 Rebel, honda rebel 450, starter clutch
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I just bought a used Honda Rebel 450. I'm new to motorcycles but have some experience with other vehicles. This Rebel was running fine. It has so far started on the first crank and ran like a dream. All of a sudden it won't start. When I hit the button I get a whine from the general vicinity of the engine but it won't turn over. A cycle shop mechanic told me it's the starter clutch. He hasn't seen the bike but made a guess on the info I gave him which is what I've said above. Do you think he's right and is this something I could possibly fix myself or might there be another cause that might be a wee bit cheaper to fix?
go to the starter sylenoid take a screwdriver with the key on bike in neutral, touch both post on thre solenoid togethr if it cranks go out and but a nea solenoid you should be fine. p.s please leave feedback for me on my answer,you can also nominate if you choose to o,k
mitch kruszynsky
And if it doesn't crank? I tried that and got nothing.
Answerok then go directly to the starter with booster cables take the hot connect it to the start bolt on the starter take the negative and ground to the frane if it doesnt do anything then it is the starter.p.s let me know im researchng for u ok.
mitch kruszynsky