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I have a 2002 Yamaha TTR125L I just bought used. It had problems from the start idling but I put good gas in with some carb cleaner and now it idles ok - just takes a long time to warm up to where I can close the choke. But...if I stall or turn it off once it is warm - it just will not restart (a kickstart). Not even a hint of it catching. I have to wait until it is completely cool and then it will start on first or second kick no problem. Please tell me this is something other than carb adjustment as I do not know how to do that! but really - any info is appreciated. Thank you
Ok, tell me this. Once it's warm and u start riding, What happens when u nail it? Does it fall on it's face, or does it spit, hesitate, or pop at all? Let me know and good luck!
When I first start it one or all of the things you mentioned happen and when it's warm the spitting and hesitating lessen but don't disappear. I have to take it easy with the throttle always, too. But as far as it running - everything gets better when warm as long as it stays running.
AnswerOk, for one the carb cleaner is the gas will simply not work on bikes, or cars for that matter. Only fuel injection benefits from these products. U are most likely experiencing a lean condition caused by dirty carb. Remove the carb, take apart(all the way) and thorought clean jets, air/fuel screw holes, float needle passage, etc. Let me know and good luck!