Motorcycle Repair: cambearings, rocker boxes, 5th gear
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Question -
how to replace cambearings on 1996 fatboy evo motor
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You are going to have a cam bearing puller. Do you have one?
Yes I have one. What next?
AnswerI am going ot assumn you dont have adjustable pushrods so you are going ot have to remove the rocker boxes to take the pressure off the pushrods. Remove the timing cover and mark where the timing plate is located so you can put it back in the right place. Remove the timing plate and pickup plate. Remove the cam cover and slide off. I hold the lifters up out of the say with magnets. Slide the cam out. Using the puller remove the bearing. Install the new bearing with a cam bearing installer. Install the cam making sure the marks are ligned up on the cam and breather. Using a new gasket install the cam cover, pickup, ignition and cover. Using new gaskets, install the rocker boxes. Jack up the bike and in 5th gear rotate the rear wheel so the front pushrod is all the way up. This will insure that the lifter is bled all the way. Wait about 15 minute and go to the next one. Do this for each lifter. Then you should be set to go
Good luck and happy riding