Motorcycle Repair: 1996 yamaha Virago 1100 camshaft, correct time, cam gear

My 1996 Yamaha virago 1100 originally broke a piston. I replaced it and had the valves checked by a authoized Yamaha dealer. I put it all back together per the manual. I have since Broke the camshaft twice. once on start up and the second time about 5 miles after replacement.. It is breaking where the gear mounts onto the cam. I have replaced the cam, cam gear, bolt, washer. When installed it seems to turn freely while turning over by hand. It supposedly has an automatic adjuster. My Yamaha Dealer has no answers to my problems. They said they have never had any of the above problems with this model. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kenn

Hmmm, I think u may have the timeing wrong.  R u sure u r not backwards when putting it into correct time?  If u r correct there then something is definatly this question and b as specific as possible as u now have my curiousity stirred.  [email protected]