Motorcycle Repair: rf600 engine rattle-knock, clutch side, videos suzuki

Hi Mark, i have a 95 rf600 which has a rattle/knock from the clutch side of the engine below 1200rpm. at its worst it sounds like a conrod loose on crank but if you stethescope for the noise it is further back towards the clutchbasket and or starter alternator transfer gears. i bought a second hand engine as a cheaper repair - turns out to be the same. is there any known reason for this knock. the engine has done 23000 miles. runs fine just sounds awful at tick over or standing. sometimes the noise is loud, other times you don't notice it. i have stripped the second engine lower casings gears clutch etc. cant see anything worn or broken. could it be caused by low engine speed rattling the transfer gears as they mesh. there appears to be a damper built into the transfer gear assembly it seems secure enough.
any  ideas?  

Hi John,

I cannot hear the noise to diagnose the problem accurately. I don't know of any common nosies within the GSX family of engines as you've described.

Mark Shively

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