Questionso what wires do i have to wire to get this thing to run it dont have to charge or have lights strictly hill climbing and mud drags well maybe charging would be nice. all the help is very much appreciated.
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yes the wires are there so all i need to do is run a 12 volt wire to the other side of the coil and it should fire.what about the rectifier and cdi box or whatever those 2 little boxes are called
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Hope you can help,I have a kawasaki 4-wheeler with a kaw 440 street bike motor on it i didnt put the motor on it. bought it that way i need to know what wires i need to wire so this thing will fire and run any help will be greatly does have points.
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R the wires from the points 2 the coil there? If so, then u need a constant 12 volts to the other side of your coil.
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Rectifier/Regulator r what turns your 110 AC current into the 12 volt DC current needed for your machine. The CDI box controls when the coil(s)send fire 2 the plugs. The constant 12 volts should come on with your key turned 2 on. U don't want the voltage there when the bike is off.
AnswerCharging is simple really, but u'll need diagrams. I would strongly suggest getting a "Haynes" or "Clymer" manual for the exact maching the motor came from and then wire your bike in duplicate 2 the other. Without the bike I'm in the same position here and it's very hard 2 explain in this fashion. Good luck, and feel free 2 ask whenever u like! Customizing is a bitch bro!