Motorcycle Repair: timing chain adjustment, cam lobes, compression stroke

74 honda z50a- is there a way to adjust the timing
chain on this bike? theres a adjusting screw with
surrounding locknut by the shifter lever, looks like its headed in direction of the timing chain
spring tensioner galley.  is this the adjuster
for the timing chain?  and if so how do you adjust
it correctly? yes, i have a clymer manual but it
doesnt say anything about adjustment or that screw im talking about.
       thank you very much for your time!
             [email protected]

Turn the kickstarter until the timing marks line up, making sure you're on the compression stroke.. (cam lobes pointing outwards), loosen the locknut on the screw you've found, loosen the allen key on the adjuster and the chain should auto-tighten, then reverse the procedure.

Good Luck
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