QuestionMy bike broke down on me a few weeks ago, suffered a huge loss in power. bike was chugging up hills in first gear. this was taken in account to the awful carburetor setup that was on it which was a 4 into 1 conversion to single carb. it was pushing way too much fuel down the first two and too little down the last two.
So, i took a set of rebuilt carbs up and put them ont he broke down bike. bike sounded normal for the first time and idled fine. It still though is suffering from a lack of power.
The bike will run through a decent rpm range in 1 and 2...but slowly. in 3rd gear the bike will top out at about 45 to 50 mph and any application of throttle beyond this cause the bike to loose power. fuel mixture all off.
The problems are more detailed though. Two cylinders are burning clean down the pipes, but the middle two are not. They have what appears to be a mixture of oil and or fuel exiting the pipes.
The wierd thing about this is that when i checked the plugs, they indicated a bit of a lean burn, but i also have resistance plug wires for a hotter spark.
The two cylinders that are having the problem are on one coil and the other two are on the other.
It seems that most of the time when there is a loss of power its a dirty carb problem. in this case thier clean but only have guessed adjustments on them. we playted with the mixture screws a bit on the way getting hte bike back but couldnt get an improvement.
With the combination of unburnt gas and rebuilt carbs would you lean more towards a wiring problem with the one coil, or possible a poor adjustment of the carb bank?
AnswerAs stated in my profile, I only specialize in dirt bikes. But I will try to offer you some advice. This problem sounds a bit involved, but off the bat it sounds like something malfunctioned with your vacuum intake to the carb - , you could have broken jets or other parts in the carb. i'm not really sure what you mean about a 4 into 1 conversion carb... you went from 4 carbs to now having 1 carb? I would really have to look at this bike to start the diagnosis. With problems such as this.. sometimes it's worth it to bring it to a mechanic...
sorry couldn't provide more info