Motorcycle Repair: Suzuki electrics, lights in the rain, accurate reply

[email protected]  Hi I restored a 1969 Suzuki TS90 'Honcho' with my dad years ago, and it has given me intermittaqnt problems, bike ran fine, ran fine with head lights on, ran fine in the rain, refused to run with head lights in the rain.  This wasn't too much of a problem as i don't really like riding in the rain, BUT now it will not run with head lights on AT ALL.  Runs like a dream, indicators, brakes, neutral light, charging all SWEET! but turn on the headlights and it dies. I have replaced the lighting coil, swapped out stators, swapped the ignition (4 spares) still the same.  I'm stumped.  

Hi Colin,

I suspect some conductivity problems within the lighting circuit. I would need to inspect the motorcycle to offer a more accurate reply.

It sounds as if the lighting system experiences water shorting when exposed to rain. Try applying dielectric grease to the connectors.

You may have already performed these tests:

Consider physically inspecting every inch of the lighting circuit conductor wires and connectors for defects.

Perform continuity and resistance tests on the electrical system.

Perform output test on charging system.

Check grounding circuits for clean, tight connections.

Here's a web resource:

Mark Shively