Motorcycle Repair: 2007 Deuce trans and clutch, brank, trans fluid
QuestionHi Mike,
Just bought a new 2007 Deuce with the 96 inch motor and the 6-spd trans. Two questions; 1. The trans shifting action on this bike is rough. Pretty good clunk when changing into any gear. I was lead to believe this trans would be an improvement in shifting but it seems much stiffer and clunkier than my Sportster. I've never owned a big twin before, will this trans thing smooth out with age (I hope!).
Question 2. The clutch seems to engage pretty far in toward the bar, could this clutch be dragging and adding to my clunky shifting? Any simple way to test for drag?
Thanks very much, please reply to my e-mail but use on line if you wish.
AnswerI have not had the oppertunity to ride one of the 07 yet so it would be hard for me to comment ont he trans. I know in the previous bike changing the trans fluid to a brank like Belray will make it shift smoother.
Your clutch should have about 1/8 inch play inthe lever. If not then it needs adjusted
Good luck and happy riding