Motorcycle Repair: 2001 Yamaha Banshee timing, exaust pipe, down stroke

a 2001 banshee thats firing left side on the down stroke. checked all electricles, all new.exaust pipe full of gas. help please [email protected]

Hi Rodney,

Q:   "...a 2001 banshee thats firing left side on the down stroke. checked all electricles, all new.exaust pipe full of gas."

A:  Can you provide any other details? Knowing a little history about the ATV is helpful. The more you can tell me, the better my reply.

What tests have you performed? What are the results of those tests?

Describe the appearance of the spark plugs.

Was cylinder compression measured? If so, what are the results?

Any history of other problems?

What lead up to this problem?

Any performance parts other than the pipe?

Any performance tuning?

Any thing else that you can think of?

Otherwise, I recommend having a local tech inspect the problem for you. I would need to perform a few checks to accurately diagnose the problem.

Visit "" for more tech assistance.

Mark Shively