Motorcycle Repair: Red paint on 1966 305 scrambler, paint code, spray cans

Hi Bill
I was just woundering if you could
tell me what the closest red color is
that comes in todays spray cans that would
match the red color that came on the 66 305 scrambler. There must be something out there that
comes close.
Hope you can help.
Best wishes.
PS Thanks for the good work that your doing

Dan, the color match is Pepsi Cola Red. Sunset Red in Ford is pretty close, as well. I just spray painted my 91 red Nissan PU roof with Rustoleum Red from Walmart and it was dead on color match, but probably a little too red-ish for the CLs.

Honda paint code from Ed Moore: RED 6543U M in Imron paint.
Some of the later Civics look like they have pretty close color matches, but I haven't tried them. My brother has a 2003 Civic Cp in solid red color...

You can get NAPA to can spray paint for you, at most locations, once they have the color. Or automotive paint stores can do it, too.  Kind of pricey, though..

Bill Silver