Motorcycle Repair: foward controls, brake light switch, foward controls
QuestionGood morning I have a75' shovelfx low rider I want to put foward controls on it (1200) master is on back I ordered some w/master in front is it much work to do to run line back to calip I know about a tee that needs to go in some where but not shure Also how do I connect the brake light switch to the new one?Now for the other side shifter is located on otter prime I think this side will be alittle easier for me? Let me know what ya think and also what do I do with my exsisting pegs on both sides is there some kind of cover plate for the brake side cause you peg brake arm in that same spot.Hey thanks for your help.Mark!
AnswerLocate the Brake tee you already have and connect your new brake line there. That way you dont have to move the tee with the brake switch.
You can remove the foot pegs. The peg on the brake side, remove the bracket too. the one on the left, you can purchece a blank cover plate.
Good luck and happy riding