QuestionI have an oil leak on the left side crankcase cover, I replaced the gasket and see that the leak is comimg from the neutral,OD, gerashift holder assembly where there should be no oil. I think it might be the holder, which has a gasket on it. What happens if I pull the holder out to install a new one, will anything fall out. I know that there's a bearing on the end of it. Or could it be one of the switches?
AnswerEd, I will assume that you changed out the shift shaft seal when you had the cover off, just as a future precaution.
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sign up for free and find your HONDA-Motorcycle-VT700 index then go to the gearshift drum section to see details. There is an o-ring around the projection of the shift drum holder part. Should just pull out and allow for o-ring removal/installation, if that is the source. If you have difficulty in reinstalling the holder, you may have to insert a small tool to center the gear shift drum. If it tends to wobble around, you may have to lean the whole bike over on the right side to offset the effects of gravity. The shift drum is supported on a ball bearing, so hopefully is fairly well supported.
Check the neutral switch and any other possible sources of oil leaks. The CRANKCASE section shows some of those items. Guess this is a factor of age, as this is the second similar question I have had on this type machine in the past few months.
Bill Silver