Questionthe only thing i have done to the carb is adjust the idle. coil and wires cheak out ok. how can i tell if i have hydrolic or solid lifters?
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black, carbon
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i own a 1984 sporster XLH 1200 shovelhead. when the engine is hot and i give the bike more throttle, it sputters and loses power. when going up hills i sometimes have to gear down to first. i have replaced the air filter and cleaned the spark plugs and it didnt help. i suspect the carb is running too rich because when i goose the motor, a small ammount of carbon black smoke pushes out. my father-in-law sold the bike to me and thought it was the pushrods that needed to be adjusted. is this a carb or pushrod adjustment or a larger problem? either way, how do i adjust the carb and/or pusrod and regain the power?
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When you pulled the plugs what color were they?
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What is happening is you are fouling plugs. The reasons you foul plugs are, carb not jetted right, bad coil, bad plug wires or pushrods to tight.
If the bike ran fine before this problem then its not the carb, unless you changed jets.
You need to do a OHMs test on the coil to check it.
You need to do a OHMs test on the plug wires to check them
On the pushrods, do you have solid lifters or hydrolic lifters?
AnswerYour bike came with solid lifters and if they havent been change then it probably still has them. Check the adjustment on them.
Since the carb has had no change and the coil and plug wires check out, if it isnt the pushrods to tight, then it probably time to do a top end on the bike. You are either haveing oil go past the rings or the valve guides are leaking