QuestionI have a 1986 yamaha radian. I need to change the oil in it, and I don't have an owners manual. I was wondering if you could give me some instructions, and what oil filter/type of oil to use
[email protected]
AnswerHi Nate,
Changing the oil is a simple task. I recommend using a quality oil such as Castrol, Valvoline, Quakerstate, Kendall, Mobil, Penzoil, etc...
You can buy quality oil filters at most auto parts stores.
About changing the oil, get a copy of the service manual.
Try finding a manual here:
View parts microfiche and order manuals at Bike Bandit:
To view microfiche, click "OEM Parts" and then select the year, make, and model from the menus that follow.
Mark Shively