Motorcycle Repair: Timing, static timing, pushrod
QuestionI need to know the timing proceedure for a 1969 Sportster. 1000 motor. I just got given to me and my husband isn't sure about the timing. Any help would be appreciated as I want to ride this bike!
AnswerOpen the front exhaust pushrod so you can see it move. rotate the motor until the front pushrod is starting to close. remove the timing plug so you can see the flywheels. Keep rotating the motor slowly until you see the timing mark. No, go to the points and with a test light and the key on rotate the points plate just until the light goes off. Now your static timing set.
You should be able to start the motor and then use a timing light with the motor running. use the light at the timing plug. You will have to get a clear plug to fit the hole or oil will come out when the motor is running
Good luck and happy riding