Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki Battery Drain, electrical circuits, trunk light

1990 Kawasaki Vogager 12-bike is in great running order, but suddenly, Something is draining the battery, alternator/generator good, ignition switch good, took out all fuses, battery still drains out overnight, 2 mechanics can't find the problem.  They checked the trunk light, maybe it was still on and we didn't know it?  That was okay.  Checked the cruise control modular, it's okay too. Bike runs beautifully, starts every time with a fully charged battery, but something is draining the battery overnight, any ideas? So far I have wasted money on a new battery and generator, please any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as no Kawasaki mechanic has a clue.  Thanks.

Hi Lou,

You, or someone else will need to go through electrical circuits with a multimeter (VOM). Test conductors and components to locate the source of the current leak(s).

This work is time consuming, but is how the source is locted.

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