Motorcycle Repair: recurring bad spark plugs, honda vtr 250, stator coil

I recently purchased a used '90 Honda VTR-250.  I took it to a shop to have the Carbs cleaned and new tires put on (it sat idle for a year before I bought it).  I also personally put in a new battery and new spark plugs.  My problem is this: I've had to replace the plugs now 3 times since I've purchased the bike and now it appears that I will have to replace them again.  They go bad every few weeks.  I've been putting premium in it everytime I get gas.

I also have a charging issue (every few days the battery needs to be recharged) but I'm guessing that is probably a separate issue and I'm going to take it to a shop for that one.

Other than that, it runs great--as long as the battery is charged and the plugs are good.

Any suggestions?

Bill in Nashville

Hi Bill.

Chances are, they are related.  A failure of the charging system will cause the rest of the systems to function below minimum levels.

Fix the charging problem (probably needs a new stator coil) and then figure out if there is a problem in the ignition coils.

Good luck and ride safe.