QuestionWhat do you mean by pumper? How will I know which jet to change to? number,size,etc. Thanks again
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Hello, Mike. I have a 80 sporty 1000cc. S&S Super "e" Carb. I did a lot of repairs to it but I haven't touched the carb. It runs great at idle.
Started riding it, it ran fine. It popped here and there(no big deal just started riding). Rode if for a long ride in morning, ran fine. On way back home it pops or gives in 3rd or 4th. Mainly 4th gear. I was told accelerator pump needs adjusted or needle changed. I don't have a book on carb. Are there any suggestions, or recommended tests to perform to adjust carb.
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What you need to do is start the bike and let it warm up. Adjust the air/fuel mixture screw first. After it warms up turn the screw slowly inward, untilt he bike starts to stumble. Now turn it outward, counting the turns, until it starts to stumble. Divide that number in half and turn it outward that number.
Now shut off the pumper, but turning the screw inward. Go for about a ten mile ride, going slowly, under 3000 RPM. What youa re doing is checking the intermediate jet. When you get back pull the plugs ad note the color. If they are black, to rich, really while to lean. Also, while riding, if it spits through the carb, to lean, backfires through the exhaust to rich. Chnage the jet to what you need. Make sure you reset the air/fuel mixture screw like above and anytime you make a change to the carb.
Once you have that set go for another ride, but ride over 3000 RPM. Now youa re working on the main jet. Do the same as above to get it set.
Once you have both jets set now set the pumper. Turn it out about 1 1/2 turns and go for a hard ride. Between shifts if the bike bogs, like being gas starved open it a little farther. You want it closed as much as possible, while still letting the bike run right.
Good luck and happy riding
AnswerThe pumper is the pump which gives a shot of gas to the carb when you get ont he throttle hard.
Read my answer on whick jet to change. the size is marked on the size of the jet. If you are lean go one jet bigger, if you are rich go one jet smaller
Good luck and happy riding