Motorcycle Repair: 1986 harley electra glide classic brakes, emery cloth, elctra
Questiontwo yaers ago i Purchased my elctra glide everything was fine until my front brakes locked up. i took the caliper apart and cleaned it. 2 weeks later the back brake locked up. since then I have re-built both front and back calipers. now 1 week and 50 miles later the back brake is locked up again. I have had this bike for two years and have put on only about 70 miles because of this problem please help.
AnswerSounds like the puck is sticking and not letting the pressure off. Pull the caliber and take it apart again. the puck is the piece that slides in and out. Take some fine emery cloth and lightly sand the inside of the caliber where the puck rides. the puck should slide in and out freely. Put it back together and you should be good to go
Good luck and happy riding