Motorcycle Repair: 82 kz 440 ltd carbs???, three quarters, hi chris

Hi Chris,
Im having trouble with my carbs I think,  I purchased  this bike a while ago it had been sitting for some time after several attempts to clean the carbs(5or6) and a guess at the proper float levels(20mm)i find that i cannot get to the top rpms. it seems to bog around 6000 maybe half or three quarters throttle. the bike seems to run decent up to that point(possible a little sluggish)I think i am starving for fuel but the floats are pretty much at their max.I am waiting for a manual but would rather be on the road.  Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thankx much, Bruce

Hi Bruce.

Check the manifolds.  Are they cracked?  If so, then replace them as they are leaking air.  Also make sure that the carbs are tight to the air box and the manifolds as well as the manifolds to the heads.  They could be leaking air at those joints as well.

If the carbs needed cleaning, then there is probably varnish in the tank as well.  reseal the tank and that problem will be solved as well.

Let me know what you find and we can progress from there.

Good luck and ride safe.