Motorcycle Repair: Kawasaki 1500 Classic Oil leak, valve cover gasket, kawasaki 1500

Hey Mark,
I think I must have an unusual problem with my Classic 1500 leaking a lttle oil. My bike is a 1998 model with 24,000 miles, and until recently, I've never had a problem.  Now it leaks some oil and it runs down on the crankcase and blows back onto the right side cover when the bike is in motion. I have cleaned the bike thoroughly and watched everywhere when the bike is idleing and I only see a verrrry small seep around the right rear under the valve cover. I checked the half moon plug on the side of the head and it's bone dry. Although this isn't a serious leak, it's still aleak that needs to be repaired.  Can you offer any advise? I appreciate all the input I can get.

Fred Sephens
Bartlett, TN

Hi Fred,

Small leaks can cause oily messes. Most leaks around valve covers will leak more volume when engine is running.

Blow-by exhaust gasses escape past valve guide seals and pressurize the area between heads and valve covers. Hence, the evaporative system components and hoses on the valve covers. This positive pressure causes smaall leaks to be bigger leaks when engine is running.

With difficult to locate leaks I've used Dr. Scholl's foot powder sprays. The powder is pure white, drys smooth, and is easily cleaned. Sprayed on suspect areas, oil seeps through in a rich brown color. Makes locating or verifying source of leaks a bit easier.

If the valve cover gaskets are the source of the leak(s), either replace the valve cover gasket or try sealing with Kawasaki Bond. Avoid using Form-a-gasket Blue.

Rubber gaskets tend to get brittle and fracture with time. Especially on rear cylinders of V-twin engines.

Mark Shively