Motorcycle Repair: charging, ac volts, clutch basket

i have a 96 ultra classic that the voltmeter only show to about 12 after it warms up.  the lights flicker at idle, but it always starts.  a friend said it could be the stator,  is this something a fairly mechanical person can handle, or just curious, how much could i be looking at if the local dealership does it?

Fist thing you need to do is a test on the charging system. Check your batttery to make sure its good and it has water in it.
Start the bike and at the battery check the voltage. At 2000 RPM you should be getting around 13.5 volts. If not then you need to test the stator. With a OHM meter, unplug the regulator, and at the pins check for ground. Nest start the bike and at the pins you should be getting, at 2000 RPM, around 45-60 AC volts. If not then the stator is bad. If it tests good then the regulator is bad.
In order the repalce the stator you have to remove the primary cover, clutch basket and motor sprocket. Stator is located behind the motor sprocket. The problem you will have is it takes special tools to do the work.
As to the cost, I cant comment on that. There are different costs all over the country and that is somthing I dont know.,
Good luck and happy riding