Motorcycle Repair: Suzuki Electrical Problems, jumper cables, fuel gauge
I have a 1993 GSX750F suzuki with some electrical problems. About a month ago my blinkers and fuel gauge indicator both stopped functioning. I tried to go through and check certain connections and solve the problem myself... but in the process I've apparently screwed up something else.
The bike now lackes the voltage to start... it acts as if the battery was dead. I checked the voltage across the battery with the multimeter and it was fine. After that I went ahead and tried supplying more power by 'jumping' the battery... and it worked... and ran just fine. However, once the bike is off again I can't get it started. The indicators for nuetral, oil, and the head light all are more dim than they should be also.
I'm assuming that something is shorting my circuits... but I really don't know... or have an idea where at.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help
First thing is have the battery load tested after a good charge and check all grounds on the bike especially the ground from the battery to frame. Also make sure the connections are clean at the battery. When adding the extra battery supply did you use jumper cables and hit the starter button?