QuestionHi Bill.
Funny thing happened yesterday. I put the key in the ignition, switched on, and everything looked ok for nearly a second, got the Neutral- and other lamps to light up etc..
Then I heard a low click from somewhere in the engine-region.., and everything went dead. The only thing working now is the parking-light, so that tells me that the battery is still working OK, and that the connectors to the battery are functioning.
Have checked the main fuse anf the other under the seat, and they are OK as well.
Also looked in a Clymer repair/Maintenance-manua that I have for clues, but can't find any hints as to were to look.
If it was'nt for the fact that the parking-light is working my first guess would be that the battery had failed, that's how "dead" it is.
Could it be that it's the ingition itself that's faulty ? If so, can I check before I replace ?
Any other suggestions on what I could check ?
Would appreciate any inout you might have on this one.
Thks + Brgds
Egil - Norway
AnswerEgil, this link should get you to a wiring diagram that is close to your needs.
Looks like there is a MAIN RELAY in the circuit that may be bad or have bad contacts, as a possibility, assuming that the fusible link is still okay and all the other fuses are not blown. There is a silicon diode in the circuit that may need checking, as well. Start at the battery with a 12v test light and follow the red wire to the relay and the ignition switch.
Try wiggling the handlebars back and forth, turning the forks side to side. It is not uncommon for the back of the ignition switches to come apart due to the harness working against it while riding or moving the bike.
Go here: and sign up/log in and select HONDA, MOTORCYCLE and then the VF700C option. From there you can see the microfiche illustrations, concerning location of components.
Bill Silver