Motorcycle Repair: fuses blowing on 81 cx500, honda cx500, solenoid

My Honda cx500 blows the fuse by the solenoid 30 seconds after every time I start it. It all began when one day my battery was weak and I was in a hurry so I used my battery charger on start mode and instead of taking out the battery I just held the clips to the top of the posts. It started fine but when I reached my destination the lights and the starter wouldnt work. This was when I noticed that the fuse was blown so I jumped it at the solenoid with a screwdriver and went back home.Every since then it blows the fuse within about 30 seconds after every start. I bought a new battery and rectifier and that didnt work. Can you give me any ideas Falcon?Thank you very much for your time!

Hi Tom.

Fuses blow because something is causing overamping of whatever  circuit they are in.  Check for shorts as these are the most likely culprits.  Then check the components in the circuit.  You may have damaged something else that you are unaware of.

Start with those and see what you find.

Good luck and ride safe.