Motorcycle Repair: Sturgis starter, starter solenoid, starter button


When you press the starter button all it does is click. The battery is good. And I have changed the solenoid. Thanks.-------------------------

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Question -
I have an 82 Sturgis with a starting problem. I have been through all of the starter circuits and nothing. The starter will not engage at all. But yet sometimes while kicking it and I press the button at the same time it will spin. I have replace the throw out and the starter relay but nothing. I am an electrical engineer so I do know what I am looking at but I cannot seem to pinpoint the issue. The starter button is fine also. Any of your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Answer -
Let me ask a couple of questions. when you push the starter button, the starter just spins and not engage anything? Did you check the starter solenoid?

If all it does is click, then you are having a voltage drop problem. You stated you changed the starter relay and the solenoid, so that cant be it.
I would start by checking the battery connections at both ends. Make sure you ahve a good connection. I would also replace the breakers. I have seem them get weak and not let enought current through.
Good luck and happy riding