Motorcycle Repair: 72 Ironhead Carb problems, accel air, drag pipes

Mr. Wells,

I recently purchased a 72 XLH. It was running pretty well, but would dog down sometimes when I hit the throttle hard. Then the battery went bad. I had it tested and then replaced the battery, it also has a new voltage regulator, the battery was dependable for a week or two, until today, but we will come back to that issue in a moment.  

My problems started a couple days a go when I ran out of gas. I made it home, but when I put gas in it, one of the plugs had fouled. I cleaned the new plugs and also put on a new ACCEL air filter, because it needed one. I started it up and it was running okay, but I still needed to adjust my carb. Well, about that time, my friend shows up and began messing with the carb and between the two of us, we got it all out of whack.
I have a Bendix/Zenith with an adjustable main. I finally got it to idle pretty well today and it was running pretty good, so I went on a drive in the country to blow it out. Well, things just went down hill. Whenever I would lay on the throttle it would bog down, then eventually it started coughing and popping and got so bad I just had to pull over.  At this point, the drag pipes were wet and black. And to top it off the battery was dead again.

I guess my two questions are...
My thought is the main jet is completely wrong and is too rich?  What is the setting for a main jet on my bike?

Also, why would my battery be dead? It runs if push started, so the generator is putting out power, right?

I doing a lot of research and learning as much as I can, but your help will probably set everything straight.  I have an old Harley buddy from work who knows about these bikes, so we are going to clean/rebuid the carb as well.

Thanks for the help, I can give you more info if needed.


First thing you need to do is test the charging system. Your battery sounds like its not being charged. Get the bike running and at the battery, with a volt meter see what your voltage is. At 2000 RPM you shold get around 13.5 volts. If not, and since you changed the voltage regulator and battery, then you generator is not putting out.
Personnally I would replace the carb with a S&S. The bike will run better and with better throttle responce.
If you rebuild it though, carefully clean the jets. You might have a plugged intermediate jet. Your bike runs mostly on the intermediate jet, not the main.
Good luck and happy riding