Motorcycle Repair: changing fork oil, clymer honda, honda goldwing
Questionhi chris, i have a 1978 honda goldwing and the front forks seem awful soft. (seems to bottom out easily). will changing out the old oil help? 1, to renew oil and 2, verify the correct amount is in there; my info states 5.7 to 6.1 ounces of auto tranny fluid? that info came from a clymer honda fixit book. is there better oil nowdays?
AnswerHi Dan.
As old as the bike is, it probably needs the forks rebuilt. Just changing the fluid may not be enough. Most likely, it needs new springs as well as new seals, just to prevent needing to redo the rebuild shortly after this one.
As far as oil for the forks, there are some dedicated fork oils out there that are designed specifically for this application. Check your local shop for it when you order the rebuild parts.
Good luck and ride safe.